Welcome to The Magic of Mindfulness Blog!

 In Blog

How bringing mindful presence to everyday moments can completely reshape our experience


Do you ever wish life could feel magical? Or at least less challenging?

Let’s journey together to discover how it can be both.

I’ll introduce how the blog will work now, and then we can jump into the experiences in the first blog post, “Finding Presence.”

When I was a TV producer, we would often use the “W’s” (What, Why, Who, When, Where – and How) to provide direction for the path we’re going to follow. Let’s apply that here.

WHAT: This blog reveals The Magic of Mindfulness as ways to transform moments of frustration, fear and lack of fulfillment into joy, passion, and lasting meaning through bringing presence to everyday instances.

WHY: You may have challenges now with your career/mission, relationships or health. What if they could be easier? And what if you could tap a sense of joy, even awe, in your daily experience?

I am passionate about this topic. You will see why in the “Finding Presence” post. Until then, know I am committed. Our exploration of mindfulness together begins here. And let’s watch where this adventure leads us.

WHO: We will meet extraordinary people on this path. Initially, the stories will focus on me, as I wanted you to see – if I can do this, we all can. With the power of presence we all can be extraordinary.

HOW: Each post will offer suggestions to spark or sustain your path to presence, along with a story or “snapshot”/moment that can illuminate that path.

Actual photographs also will accompany each post, as images may help you enter the experience more deeply.

Many of these pictures were taken with my camera phone, just as you can do as you experience moments of presence. Others were taken with a professional camera. Each time I sought to sink into the moment to capture the essence of that instant. As we all can do any time.

WHEN: I will post here monthly. Maybe more, maybe less, as time goes on.

I want to share this journey with you. So please offer your comments, questions, reflections.

Have you found ways to improve your presence that can help others? Share them here! When? Now. And any time you think of them.

While this blog will be monthly, our ultimate goal is to bring presence to your life in all moments.

WHERE: After these first few posts, we will embark on a road trip across America together!

We will visit cafes, yoga studios, transformative spiritual events, a sheep farm, spring in wildflower season, and much more.

To begin your journey, we start close to home, in the piece “Finding Presence,” to show The Magic of Mindfulness can happen anywhere, if you step out and embrace it.

Looking forward to sharing this adventure with you!


Jillian Robinson is a Certified High Performance Coach. Presence is one of the pillars of high performance. If you would like to learn more about the other pillars and how to live your best self, with the feeling of full engagement, joy, and confidence, through coaching contact her at JillianRobinson.com or jillian@jillianrobinson.com.

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