Finding Presence

 In Blog

Have you ever struggled in moments of challenge or sadness, seeking a simple solution?

Last summer, my man, Jim, and I had a bad cycling crash. I shattered my elbow, broke my wrist, tore tendons in my forearm, and broke my pelvic bone. I was in a wheelchair for a while.

After surgery on my elbow – which included inserting a metal plate and eight screws into my arm – then physical therapy, the doctor said he was not happy with my progress, at all. If I would let him, he would operate on me again tomorrow.

If the second surgery was successful – and there were no guarantees – the best case I could expect would be to regain 80% flexion and 20% extension in my arm. At least I wouldn’t be permanently disabled. I could feed and bathe myself again.

I had also dipped into depression. This wasn’t like me at all, I was normally happy and positive.

Why? I am a High Performance Coach, after all, with a full rack of tools. What was missing?

Presence, the missing piece, one of the pillars of high performance, yet I hadn’t mastered it in my own life. This possibility of a different state of consciousness that I could carry with me always – in moments of challenge and opportunity, sadness or strength, struggle or success.

I turned to Eckhart Tolle’s book, The Power of Now. Each day letting presence be my guide. I chose not to do the surgery, and let presence, Jim, and physical therapy, help heal myself – to full mobility!

Within less than a year, I was lifting heavier weights than I had in my entire life. Took windsurfing and kiteboarding lessons. Began rowing. This photo is of me just weeks after the crash.

Just kidding!

I saw this poster * in the workout room of Jim’s sister’s house, when they were all still pushing me around in the wheelchair. It helped spark a flame in me to be that strong, working out again someday, too.

I know many people have had worse accidents. I share this story hoping you can see some of yourself in it. Is there a lesson for you here? An insight you glimpse?

Why do you want more presence in your life? For greater relationships, health, your career or mission? All of these?

Here are 3 suggestions to begin your path to presence:

  1. Keep your WHY front of mind. When you make the time for mindfulness – whether it’s reading this blog in the future, meditating or other ways to cultivate the connection – write WHY you are doing it; in your calendar, if you like. Got yoga on your schedule? Add a quick reminder WHY you are practicing. It’ll help you follow through and remain committed when the couch calls. 
  2. Journal your journey. To get from where I was to where I want to be, every day since September, 2016, I take a few minutes in the morning to journal WHAT I want; that is, what mindfulness or pure presence looks like for me. Next I add a few words or sentences WHY this is important to me. Then HOW I will do it today. The HOW can be playful for you, too.
  3. Have a personal reason. WHO will you journey for? It’s powerful – and valuable. And sometimes we will do more for others, than we will for ourselves. Who will you dedicate this journey to? Who could really benefit from your greater presence? Maybe it is your community, a partner, team, people you would like to work with, a child, parent, friend. Who can you be a role model for with your mindfulness? They need you. We all do. As you expand, your presence ripples.

Through this blog, I’ll provide paths to the same destination: Presence, and the magic that can come from mindfulness. Wherever you are on the spectrum of struggle to success with presence, let this be a fun, useful exploration to ignite your next level. And I’m such a dork about learning and growing, I evaluate myself regularly, too. Will you check in? Do what feels right for you. I wanted to plant this seed as we embark.

Thank you for joining me. Our journey has begun!

Until next time, when we cultivate “Calm in the Storm” –


Jillian Robinson is a Certified High Performance Coach. Presence is one of the pillars of high performance. If you would like to learn more about the other pillars and how to live your best self, with the feeling of full engagement, joy, and confidence, through coaching contact her at or


* “Marilyn” photograph by Philippe Halsman. Thank you!

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